Netty Mac Muzik Newz Ago2Day is based on Netty Mac Finds and Music History. I love to learn about life and about music. I am sharing with you my lessons and then providing my personal input and experiences today based on yesterdays newz. Subscribe and SHARE at your leisure. lol Cheerz & have a HUGE day!! Netty Mac
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Friday, September 21
Netty Mac Train & Music News: My Dreams' Dream
Netty Mac Train & Music News: My Dreams' Dream: My Find 4U: 'Sometimes on the way to the DREAM we get lost and find a better one.'.... I absolutely love this little Gem as it is SO ME!...
My Dreams' Dream
Find 4U: 'Sometimes on the way to the DREAM we get lost and find a
better one.'.... I absolutely love this little Gem as it is SO ME! All I
ever wanted since 4ever was to have my own CD of my own songs and now
my Dreams Dream is to have one of my songs played at the CCMA, CMA,
Juno's, Grammy's... (while I am walking up to the stage to collect my
award LOL) Really though, now that I have that CD, it is ALL about
getting the video (pretty tough to get a song out there these days
without a video and if have a referral or would like to jump on the
train yourself- YAY - bring it on!!).
My Dreams Dream has now evolved into watching my video while polishing my CCMA when I am 99 - not just to listen to my own CD. Isn't life just grande! The law of attraction (or whatever you prefer to call it) ROCKS MY WORLD! Thanx bunches MammaDee for posting this pic last night - I quite like what my brain did with it with regards to the 'Dreams Dream' - likely a song to pop out in the very near future!
This is what I came up with this morning:
I thought I knew what I wanted
This great big DREAM of mine
To listen to my very own CD
In my chair when I'm ninety-nine
So I went through all my songs
And then I build a great band
Now I'm rockin' on my own stage
And even making FANS!
Chorus to come - Dreams' Dream .....
I am so very proud to update the Netty Mac Train now has: 50,665 FANS in 174 Country's
Cheerz & have a HUGE day!!
Chow Mein Noodle!!!!
Netty xoxoMonday, September 17
Dreams and Fears
Netty Mac Music Mania Post:
'Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.'... I think that everyone has a struggle with these words at some point in life. It is very difficult to hang on to these words in time of complete fear isn't it? I do believe almost impossible really! I try so hard to ensure that I don't lose focus of my dreams by way of the village going off in my head that feeds the lurking fears. I am winning so far, how about you? Are you going for your dream? Are you looking to place that check-mark on your Bucket List? It is so hard to divert energy from fears to the dream, but I can say with all my heart: it is NOT impossible, merely challenging AND so rewarding when achieved.
I am so very proud to update the Netty Mac Train now has: 50,557 FANS in 174 Country's
Cheerz & have a HUGE day!!
'Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.'... I think that everyone has a struggle with these words at some point in life. It is very difficult to hang on to these words in time of complete fear isn't it? I do believe almost impossible really! I try so hard to ensure that I don't lose focus of my dreams by way of the village going off in my head that feeds the lurking fears. I am winning so far, how about you? Are you going for your dream? Are you looking to place that check-mark on your Bucket List? It is so hard to divert energy from fears to the dream, but I can say with all my heart: it is NOT impossible, merely challenging AND so rewarding when achieved.
I am so very proud to update the Netty Mac Train now has: 50,557 FANS in 174 Country's
Cheerz & have a HUGE day!!
Chow Mein Noodle!!!!
Netty xoxoThursday, September 13
The Glory of Rising, Falling and LOVE!
My Find 4U: 'Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.' ... This is SO me today: risen, rejuvenated & READY: BRING IT ON! Uh-Huh gotz-da 'TUDE 2DAY fer sure! lol
I love LOVE and understand in myself that it is a core that sits beside air and water! I think that may be why so many of my songs are about love (or lack or want or just pissed! lol). I could play for days just singing my love songs but it would not be a pretty audience by the end of it all! he he he I have been focusing on writing upbeat songs and after the CCMA/Country Music Week Trip in Sasktoon last weekend; a doozer is milling about. Risen and rejuvenated - yes on so many levels for me today!!
This whole music biz dream thang is so much more than what I bargained for or imagined on so many levels; but one thing is for certain: my heart needs a hell of allot more love than it does oxygen and I am proud to say that! Does that make me weak? I was actually told that one time - my heart makes me weak...
I say those with love in their hearts that allow it to flow as their compass AND foundation can conquer anything and definitely RISE no matter how far the fall. Take for example water eroding mountains one day at a time turning them into grains of sand - yep - now come on: Datza-freakin-powerful! Falling is indeed a not-so-pleasent by-product of love not right - but rising is indeed well...for me....IT: in the name of love!
I am so very proud to update the Netty Mac Train now has: 50,446 FANS in 174 Country's
CLICK HERE to REVIEW or BUY the CD - You Rock My World
Cheerz & have a HUGE day!!
Chow Mein Noodle!!!!
Netty xoxo
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