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Thursday, June 9

CYNDI LAUPER - Time After Time

Today in 1984 "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper hit No.1 on the US charts and stayed there for 2 weeks.  Cyndi Lauper and Ron Hyman stayed late after studio sessions to compose the song. It is about Cyndi's life in the studio and life after the studio.  Ron also sang backup vocals.  I didn't know that the song was about being in the studio and it just happens that I am currently in the studio recording my album; interesting how I can listen to a song since 1984 and today it is brand new:

'Time After Time" was nominated for a Grammy in 1984 and was a huge success internationally. I have always quite enjoyed her video for this song. For starters who doesn't conjure up thoughts when we see a Bowler?? lol The vid is about a runaway that is running away from her boyfriend. I especially enjoy the very beginning when she is watching the 1930's movie and holding her ceramic dog that she makes kiss her sleeping boyfriend. Twisted: especially for the 80's!

This song was so popular that it has been covered over 120 times and Miles Davis even did his own rendition of it!

'Time After Time' was the second release on her album 'She's So Unusual' (I think we would all agree to the title hey? lol I think Cyndi ROCKS for walking to the beat of her own drum! AND folks diggin' it through her persistence and endurance of the media digs!). 

It happens to me every Spring - I love to listen to Techno music, I don't know what it is, but it just fires me right up! lol  I found this version and dig it! I hope you enjoy it:

I am one of the headliners in a Charity Concert next Thursday and am blasting all of my sites to seek folks that will flap their Angel Wings for us. If we all donated just one dollar - it would be HUGE!

Here is the link and poster:  
Click here to donate ONE DOLLAR via PayPal

 I am so very proud to update the Netty Mac Train now has:  24, 372 FANS in 117 Country's

Cheerz & have a HUGE day!!
Chow Mein Noodle!!!!
Netty xoxo

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